Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Warrior Diet

The Warrior Diet: Switch on Your Biological Powerhouse For High Energy, Explosive Strength, and a Leaner, Harder Body

The warrior diet is based upon an analysis of several of my interests. In the process of recommending a proper diet and lifestyle Ori Hofmekler looks at ancient cultures mostly the Romans and Greeks but also the Mongols. He discusses when to eat as well as what to eat. He also gives recommendations for how to workout.

The main feature I took away from the book was the concept of cycling times of over-eating and under-eating throughout the day. Hofmekler recommends eating a big meal in the evening and not eating much throughout the rest of the day. Before dinner you can have light foods such as vegetables and water, but you are supposed to avoid carbohydrates and meats. The one exception is a recovery meal after a workout. I have adopted this eating style and have been very pleased with it. I do not hold to it perfectly, but Hofmekler does not say one needs to be puritanical about it. I have found that I have more energy if I skip lunch and get a lot more accomplished during the afternoon.

The warrior diet is one of freedom where you don't need to count calories. It is more based upon feeling and enjoying the diet and doesn't require tracking your diet with a spreadsheet. In the book, Hofmekler says that you can go off the diet for special occasions because you will want to return to it afterward. I have found this to be true. Whenever I visit my family I switch to eating three normal meals a day and have no trouble going back to one meal a day when I return to school.

Hofmekler disagrees with the Weston A. Price Foundation about several points including animal fats, lean meats, and cod liver oil. I side with the WAPF on these topics, but I see these disagreements as being separate from the main message of the warrior diet. I recommend following the Warrior Diet concepts, but choosing your foods based upon the Weston Price recommendations

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